Monday, March 31, 2014

Vanilla Chia Pudding

The newest crave is chia pudding (vanilla). This is a very basic and easy thing to make. The hardest part might be finding chia seeds at the store. Lucky enough our local gourmet store carries chia seeds. Below you can see that all I did was pour everything into a plastic container. Once mixed, place in refrigerator and let it do it's thing. The next day you should have some wonderful and healthy chia pudding. 

6 tablespoons chia seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla
1.5 cups whole milk
1-2 tablespoons honey

Monday, March 10, 2014


Who doesn't love bacon? In our house we love bacon (besides one). We practically eat it once a week. So I figured why not give it a try and make it myself. Another reason was to cut out any nitrites. You know, the pink salt that gives us cancer. That is a debate all in its self.
Now one would think that living in the Midwest you would be able to get pork belly for cheap, not so in Wichita. Either I got we don't sell enough to stock or it was $5 lb. So now I had to switch to plan B, make buckboard bacon. This bacon is  similar in method but you use a pork shoulder/butt instead of the fatter pork belly. So on with the experiment.

This picture shows the meat after I pulled it out of the brine.

Next was to add a small amount of cold smoke to the meat. Another new skill I tried/learned. I went the cheap route and used a soldering iron, aluminum can and some pellets.

After a few hours I ended up with this.

Then it was time to cook.

Overall it came out okay. I would like to try pork belly next. The pork shoulder is a very lean cut of meat compared to the belly. That my be why it was not a 100% to my liking. The up side is there was no nitrites added to this dish. 

Velvet Taco Tots

This is my attempt at making the tator tot side dish that we had on our recent family trip to Fort Worth, Texas. I have to give thumbs up to Velvet Taco for this dish. 

This is a picture from Velvet Taco.

This is my take on the dish.

My egg is still runny but nothing like Velvet Taco. This is now my wife's favorite dish.