Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Burger Time

Love love love burgers. Nothing like trying a new combination to make a burger pop. This isn't anything new but the wife wanted a stacked burger. This burger is made up of freshly ground chuck, onions, cheese, bacon and bacon.  

Just getting started. 
Onions are under the cheese.
Time to add some bacon.
Over easy egg.
On a side note the buns are homemade by me. I have been making bread/rolls/buns for just over 2 years now.

Steak and Potatoes

Nothing like having a steak and potatoes. It is one of my favorite meals to have. The steak is fresh sirloin from the Fresh Market. The potatoes are organic russet potatoes cut up into bit sized pieces. The steak was prepared with just salt and pepper. Same for the potatoes. All the cooking was done in a cast iron pan. Medium rare steak and crunchy potatoes. Oh add a small side salad to get some veggies into this meal.